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Spinal Column Fractures

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Spinal column fractures need to be surgically treated if instability and neurological signs are present. Most cases present with instability and require surgery to stabilize the broken bones and alleviate the spinal cord compression. A full neurologic assessment will determine the chances of the patient walk again but if sensation of the limbs is preserved, the chances are fair to good. ​Ideally a CT scan is done prior surgery to evaluate the full extend of the spinal column injuries. Spinal fractures fee at VSO is NOK 40 000,- and includes x-rays taken before and after surgery, IV catheter, general anesthesia, pre- and post-op pain medication, one night of hospitalization for pain management, and collar which has to be used for 2 weeks, until suture removal. Not included in this fee is any follow up appointments as most clients choose to have these done at their local veterinarian.

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