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Portosystemic Shunt

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A portosystemic shunt happens when a patient’s venous blood from the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and spleen bypasses the liver. The blood doesn't filtered and toxins build up in the body. The patient can be born with the shunt (congenital) or can get it later (acquired). About 80% of the cases are congenital and approximately 0.18% of all dogs have this condition. It can also affect cats but not as commonly. Here at VSO we implant a device to gradually, over several weeks, closes the abnormal vessel and reestablish the normal circulation to the liver. Shunt surgery fee at VSO is NOK 35 000,- and includes IV catheter, general anesthesia, pre- and post-op pain medication and collar which has to be used for 2 weeks, until suture removal. Not included in this fee is post-operative hospitalization and any follow up appointments as most clients choose to have these done at their local veterinarian.

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