Skin Tumor Removal and Reconstructive Surgery
If a cutaneous (skin) tumor is malignant, removal with clean margins is an important step to cure or at least help control the disease long term. Clean margins means removal of the mass with normal skin all around as well as deep to the tumor. Depending on the size of mass and the location, reconstructive surgery is necessary to achieve closure of the area after tumor removal, as long we are confident that the margins were clean. Many techniques can be employed, including the use of skin flaps (most commonly used) and skin grafting. At VSO the fee for tumor removal and rescontructive surgery, if necessary and indicated, dependend on the location and size of the tumor and it varies between NOK 20 000,- to NOK 30 000,- and includes IV catheter, general anesthesia, pre- and post-op pain medication and collar which has to be used for 2 weeks, until suture removal. Not included in this fee is pre-operative staging and any follow up appointments as most clients choose to have these done at their local veterinarian.